Physically-Based Rendering

Real-time computer graphics are commonly generated using rasterization. Although this allows for efficient rendering using graphics hardware, it also comes with fundamental limitations, which complicate rendering of shadows, reflections and indirect illumination. Algorithms based on ray tracing do not have these limitations, and allow for highly realistic graphics, produced by compact and elegant renderers.

The challenge of physically-based rendering using ray tracing lies in the high computational cost of these rendering algorithms. Physically-based rendering can be brought closer to interactive (or even real-time) frame rates by optimizing algorithms both on a low level (ray/scene intersection) and at a higher level. Furthermore, we can leverage the computational potential of modern GPUs to further increase rendering speed.

This research has been applied in various commercial products, most notably the Brigade 2 renderer for OTOY Inc.

Highlighted Papers 
J. Bikker, J. van Schijndel, The brigade renderer: A path tracer for real-time games, International Journal of Computer Games Technology (2013)
J. Bikker, Improving Data Locality for Efficient In‐Core Path Tracing, Computer Graphics Forum 31 (6), 1936-1947, 2012
J. Bikker, R. Reijerse, A Precalculated Point Set for Caching Shading Information, Proceedings of the EuroGraphics 2009 conference, 65-68
J. Bikker, Real-time ray tracing through the eyes of a game developer, Interactive Ray Tracing, 2007. RT'07. IEEE Symposium on, 1-10