Biopolitics, Necropolitics, Cosmopolitics: Feminist and Queer Interventions

Boek Biopolitics, necropolitics, cosmopolitics
Dr. Christine Quinan

Living and dying

The concepts of biopolitics and necropolitics have gained more and more scholarly attention, especially in light of today’s issues that mark some lives as more – or less – worthy than others. This book aims to nuance this conversation by focusing on feminist and queer investments and interventions and by adding the analytical lens of cosmopolitics to ongoing debates around life/living and death/dying.

Dr. Kathrin Thiele
Dr. Kathrin Thiele


Informed by feminist/queer studies, postcolonial theory, cultural analysis, and critical posthumanism, Biopolitics, Necropolitics, Cosmopolitics engages with longstanding questions of biopolitics and necropolitics in an era of neoliberalism and late capitalism, but does so by calling for a more inclusive (and less violent) cosmopolitical framework. This posthuman(ist) and post-/decolonial approach has potential for transformation that can lead to social justice.

This book was originally published as a special issue of the Journal of Gender Studies.


  • Title: Biopolitics, Necropolitics, Cosmopolitics: Feminist and Queer Interventions
  • Editors: Christine Quinan and Kathrin Thiele
  • Publisher: Routledge
  • ISBN: 9780367714888