Working group diverse and inclusive student recruitment
Over the past four years, the Diversity: Inflow and Selection (DIS) project group (part of EDI) has worked hard to make the intake and selection process for new students more inclusive in order to attract a more diverse student population.
However, with the completion of the project in October 2023, the work will not end. In order to continue the work, it is important to continue to share and further develop the knowledge, acquired insights and advice. The place in which we want to continue this work is in the working group diverse and inclusive recruiting. In this working group, not only knowledge is exchanged, but also new input is collected for the improvement of existing and development of new material, with which a more diverse and inclusive influx will be further facilitated and stimulated. The working group is coordinated by Lysanne Eijlander (C&M advisor) and will be organized hybrid about once a quarter.
The aim of this working group is to provide tools with which obstacles are removed and clear steps can be taken. This will be both generic and tailored to programs. The working group will consist of EDI colleagues, educational directors, colleagues marketing & communication and students. If you are interested in participating in this from your study programme, you can send an email to Lysanne Eijlander via