Scientific publications
- de Groot, T., de Haan, M., & van Dijken, M. (2023). Learning in and about a filtered universe: young people’s awareness and control of algorithms in social media. Learning, Media and Technology, 1-13.
- de Groot, T. & de Haan, M. (2023, Augustus 22). The filter bubble app: how can secondary school students become aware of algorithmic filtering? [Presentation] The European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI) Conference, Thessaloniki, Greece.
- Haan, M. & de Groot, T. (2021, May 27). Anti-filter bubble project: Learning about online filter bubbles as ‘learning across' [Presentation]. Learning Across Platforms - Online collaborative seminar.
- De Groot, T., de Haan, M. & van Dijken (2021, November 05).The filter bubble project [Presentation]. Dynamics of Youth Hub 'Change Your Perspective!'.
- De Groot, T. & de Haan, M. (2022, April 22, accepted). Learning in a Filtered Universe: Secondary School Students Experiences with Algorithmic Filtering [Paper presentation]. American Educational Research Association Conference, San Diego, USA.
Network meetings and workshops
- Network meeting Digital Literacy, Network meeting for stakeholders and interested parties (30-12-2021)
- Primary Education Conference 2022, National Conference (Planned to take place at 02-02-2022)
Master theses
- Richters, A. (2023). Dutch youth’s experience of algorithmic awareness in relation to the platform algorithms they encounter. [Unpublished master's thesis]. Universiteit Utrecht.
- Adriani, A. (2021). De online samenleving: een kwalitatief onderzoek naar de beleving van vmbo-tl scholieren op platform richtlijnen, dataverzameling en personalisering [Unpublished master's thesis]. Utrecht University.
- Bani, Z. (2021). The threat of filter bubbles on democratic values: Qualitative research exploring the effects filter bubbles have on teenagers' democratic values of freedom and consensus [Unpublished master's thesis]. Utrecht University.
- Eeden, R. (2020). Teenagers’ appreciation of social media filter bubbles after an intervention that aims to increase knowledge and awareness [Unpublished master's thesis]. Utrecht University.
- Janssen, A. (2021). The anti-filter bubble application: Designing activities to raise awareness of filter bubbles in secondary education [Unpublished master's thesis]. Utrecht University.
- Lensink, E. (2020) The effect of an intervention on youth’s knowledge and awareness of filter bubbles [Unpublished master's thesis]. Utrecht University.
- Van de Wiel, T. (2021). Sorry to burst your bubble! Developing an educational application to raise awareness about filter bubbles among teenagers [Unpublished master's thesis]. Utrecht University.