Our department contributes to the Bachelor and Master programs Pedagogical Sciences, as well as to the Research Master Educational Sciences Learning in Interaction (EdSci).
During the three-year Bachelor's programme in Pedagogical Sciences we coordinate courses, give lectures, facilitate tutorials and supervise theses. We also coordinate the Master's programme in Youth, Education and Society (YES), and contribute to key courses of the master Clinical Child, Family & Education Studies such as Critical Analysis of Youth Development: an Ecological Systems Approach, and supervise students with their internships and theses. In addition, we jointly coordinate the Research Master's programme: Educational Sciences Learning in Interaction (EdSci), within which we offer courses such as Educational Neuroscience, and Individual Differences in Learning and Special Needs Education. Our lecturers regularly give guest lectures at other degree programmes and faculties.
Our education is embedded in our research, we introduce students to the latest scientific insights and we always establish links with important social issues.