Webinar Series on Migration, Racism and Discrimination
This new webinar series organized by the Focus Area Migration and Societal Change discusses the major trends concerning migration, racism and discrimination. High levels of racism, as well as institutionalized or structural discrimination are causing various forms of inequality in society and have negative effects on quality of life and social cohesion. The seminar series will bring together both qualitative and quantitative researchers from a range of different backgrounds like sociology, geography, gender studies and law and will provide the opportunity to learn across disciplines about migration, racism and discrimination. The working, learning and everyday living environments of various minority groups will be examined through the lens of racism and discrimination.
Please note down the next webinar in your calendar already:
- 22 April: Non-discrimination and Human Rights, with Dr. Alexandra Timmer (UU), Lisenne Delgado (Tilburg University) and Mariam Chebti of the Netherlands Institute for Human Rights (College voor de Rechten van de Mens)
- 10 June: Racism and Discrimination within universities, with Dr. Jamila Mascat (UU), Louise Autar (2021 winner Diversity Award) and Ragna Senf (Incluusion).