Saxa Loquuntur. Latijnse inscripties in Rome

Last month Eisma Edumedia published Saxa Loquuntur. Latijnse inscripties in Rome, a book by Dr Mr Feyo Schuddeboom (Ancient History and Classical Civilization). This book is an elementary introduction to Latin inscriptions in the city of Rome.

The book starts with an anthology of more than 60 inscriptions at 35 locations in Rome. By translating these texts, the reader becomes acquainted with a variety of Latin inscriptions, easy and difficult, pompous and personal, from Scipio Barbatus to Mussolini, in the most interesting places in Rome. The anthology is followed by four thematic chapters, in which Latin texts and Dutch translations are given of inscriptions on obelisks, memorial columns, fountains and memorial plaques pertaining to floods of the river Tiber.
- Title: Saxa Loquuntur. Latijnse inscripties in Rome
- Author: Feyo Schuddeboom
- Publisher: Eisma Edumedia
- ISBN: 9789087719975