Legal Scholar Rianka Rijnhout on the responsibility of earthquakes in Groningen
The earthquakes in Groningen are currently one of the most important societal issues in the Netherlands, says Rianka Rijnhout in her blogs for the Utrecht Centre for Accountability and Liability Law, where she works as Associate Professor.
Damage compensation
In two blogs, UYA member Rijnhout discusses the question of guilt and the restittution for the earthquake damages in Groningen. There are hints that aside from the Nederlands Aardolie Maatschappij ('Dutch Oil Company'), Energie Beheer Nederland ('Energy Control Netherlands') and the Dutch government are also responsible. The government already granted that depreciation as a consequence of earthquake risk will be included in the restitution. However, the Dutch Supreme Court ruled that depreciation does not need to be compensated until geophysical stability is established. But do we already know when the seismic activity will cease? What does this mean for damage claims?