EconCo’s Career Event, looking back

On Friday 23rd March, UCSA’s Economics Committee welcomed 11 alumni back on campus for the first EconCo Career Event. The purpose of the evening was to provide UCU students with a better understanding of what a career in economics can bring them. And useful it was! We had the luck and honour to host alumni with successful careers in a variety of economic master programmes, internships and jobs.

The beginning of the event consisted of ‘TED-talk-like’ presentations, in which five of the alumni elaborated on their UCU major, career and main lessons learned in the field. Afterwards, students could ask all alumni about their experience more in-depth. Of course the evening would not have been complete without some informal networking afterwards in the UCSA the bar! The event was fun, interactive and definitely valuable for those interested in economics after UCU. To be repeated, for sure!

EconCo thanks UCU’s Kim Zwitserloot for her help, and all alumni for their participation and enthusiasm!

Interested in organising a UCU alumni even in your own field of work? Contact Judith Hoogmoed, Alumni and Development officer, to explore the possibilities