Doubts or questions about climate? Ask them at the Climate Helpdesk

Scientists launch online platform for climate questions

What’s the deal with the ice caps, CO2 and the energy transition? And are you actually allowed to go on climate strike during school hours? As of today you can ask all your questions on the Dutch-language website, where a team of over twenty scientists and experts are ready to answer them. The KlimaatHelpdesk (Climate Helpdesk) is an initiative of Scientists4Future NL and Utrecht Young Academy.

We’re open to anyone who is curious about climate change

The KlimaatHelpdesk makes scientific knowledge about climate change more easily accessible for a broader audience. “Initially, we’re focusing primarily on students, but we’re open to anyone who is curious about climate change and wants to make sense of all the information that’s going around,” according to the initiators. “To get answers to your own questions, or to be more prepared for discussions with others.”

KlimaatHelpdesk - antwoorden van wetenschappers op al je vragen over klimaatverandering

Fake news

The initiators saw a need for an online platform that’s accessible and easy to use for a broad audience. “There’s so much discussion about climate change, but not all of that information is useful. Of course ‘fake news’ is a problem, but even factually correct information is sometimes difficult to understand for the average person.”

First questions

The questions may concern any subject, such as biology, physics, economics, history, or psychology. The first questions have already been submitted and answered on the website. For example: Can we be sure that human activity has caused global warming? And: As a citizen, what can I do to stop climate change? But also: Are climate strikes permitted?

Do you want to stay informed? Follow the KlimaatHelpdesk via social media @klimaathelpdesk. And ask your question via #klimaatvraag or via the website.