Dare to Cross Over prize for team Unitess

Kyon Soons, Lisette van Beek and Lucie van den Bergh

In 2015 Unilever and Future Food Utrecht started a multidisciplinary internship at Unilever to help solve real-life challenge in the area of Food & Sustainability. Kyon Soons (philosophy), Lisette van Beek (psychology) and Lucie van den Bergh (Economics) worked in this internship as Team Unitess on integrating sustainability in consumer food-decisions-making.

On the nomination of professor Monique Smeets of Future Food Utrecht, they were invited to pitch their research ideas at the Dare to Cross Over event. On the event four students pitched about their exceptional work in which they dare to cross over the boundaries between academic disciplines, society, and enterprise. The students received a cheque to further the pursuit of interdisciplinary work

Student pitches on Dare to Cross Over on 13 June 2016