Cristiane Morais Smith wins Emmy Noether Distinction

European Physical Society awards excellent female physicist

Prof. Cristine Morais Smith

The European Physical Society (EPS) has awarded the Emmy Noether Distinction to Utrecht physicist Cristiane Morais Smith. This prize is awarded twice a year to an excellent female physicist. The jury praises Morais Smith “for her outstanding contributions to the theory of condensed matter systems and ultracold atoms to unveil novel quantum states of matter.”

With the Emmy Noether Prize, EPS aims to bring noteworthy women physicists to the wider attention of the scientific community, policy makers and the general public, and to identify role models that will help to attract women to a career in physics. The prize is awarded to female physicists who have made outstanding achievements in areas such as research, education, outreach and industry.

Cristiane Morais Smith

Cristiane Morais Smith is Professor of Condensed matter physics at the Institute of Theoretical Physics at Utrecht University. Earlier this year she published in Nature Materials about a new artificial molecule that could possibly be used as a qubit in quantum computers. Last year a publication appeared in Nature Physics in which Morais Smith, together with colleagues, describes how electrons live in 1.58 dimensions.