Academic staff
Dr Laura Copier
Laura Copier is Assistant Professor of Film and Media Studies, with a focus on film analysis, film theory, Hollywood cinema, religion on screen, disaster movies and queer critique. She chairs the European University Film Award delegation at Utrecht University.
Dr Jasmijn van Gorp
Jasmijn van Gorp is Assistant Professor of Audiovisual Data Studies and leads the CLARIAH workpackage on Media Studies. Her research is part of Utrecht’s Centre for Digital Humanities and revolves around media history, television heritage, programming and curation, and digital methods in education and research.
Dr Dan Hassler-Forest
Dan Hassler-Forest is Assistant Professor of Cultural Theory and Transmedia Practice. He frequently appears in the media and performs as public speaker. He is a theorist and fan, writing on popular culture, politics, media franchises, science fiction, anti-capitalism, media theory and zombies. Follow Dan on his personal blog or Twitter.
Dr Philipp Dominik Keidl
Philipp Dominik Keidl is Assistant Professor of Screen Media in Transition. His research interests are fandom, film heritage, material culture, and queer media. He teaches the course Texts and Meaning in period 1 and supervises MA-theses and internships. Philipp is also the tutor for our pre-Master students.
Dr Judith Keilbach
Judith Keilbach is Associate Professor of Television and Media Studies. Her current research focuses on sustainability in the media industries, data-driven screenwriting and transnational media events in television history. She is a member of the Global Green Media Network and leader of the Sustainable Media workgroup of the European Network of Cinema and Media Studies (NECS), for which she was on the steering committee from 2015 to 2021.
Dr Hanna Surma
Hanna Surma is Assistant Professor of Television and Media Studies, with a focus on television theory, media history, reality television, video, first-person documentaries and media industries in transition. In her current project she researches data-driven screenwriting. She is dedicated to educational innovation and leadership.
Dr Marijke de Valck
Marijke de Valck is Associate Professor of Film and Media Studies. She is internationally known for her work on film festivals. She steers the Film Festival Research Network and edits the festival reviews section at open access journal NECSUS. Her interests include critical theory, transnational media industries, global screen worlds, art cinema, art and activism, children’s media and media literacy.
Dr André van der Velden
André van der Velden is Assistant Professor of Film and Media History. His research is dedicated to media industries in the early twentieth century with a key interest in Dutch cinema history, archival research and discourse analysis. André is expert on Abraham Tuschinski.
Dr Diantha Vliet
Diantha Vliet is a critical-cultural media scholar with a focus on racial representation, postcolonialism, collective memory, journalism, and social media. Diantha champions the notion of scholarly activism and putting academic knowledge to practical use, be it media representation, politics and policy, or workplace equity issues. She teaches courses on cultural representation from a variety of critical theory perspectives, as well as qualitative methods such as interviewing and discourse analysis. Diantha teaches the course Transmedia and Diversity in period 2 and supervises MA theses and internships.