Sharing Days - The future of Europe: how does 'public engagement' work in practice?

Festival Europa
Festival Europa

6 June, the day of the European elections! Therefore, Prof Hanneke van Eijken (democracy and rule of law) and Dr Pauline Phoa (European law) reflect on the story and the future of Europe.

What myths actually exist about the EU and do we succeed in breaking them where necessary? During this talk, Hanneke and Pauline will share lessons learned about "public engagement" they acquired while organising Festival Europa. Because the issues discussed in Brussels affect us all. But how do you actually ensure that everyone is involved in the conversation?

Festival Europa

Hanneke and Pauline are the creators and organisers of Festival Europa: a festival to question, celebrate and critically examine Europe from the perspectives of culture, science and journalism. The goal?
To know how to bridge the gap between science and practice and reach a wide audience.

Sharing Days

Every year in June, the Sharing Days take place in Utrecht. This alumni event with festival vibes offers a jam-packed program with numerous activities in the fields of science, research, sports and culture. Spread across locations on the Science Park and in the lively city center of Utrecht, the Alumni Office facilitates workshops, tours, master classes and other festivities especially for all alumni of Utrecht University.

Start date and time
End date and time
Room Alex Brenninkmeijer, Johanna Hudig building (beautiful renovated) Achter Sint Pieter 200, 3512 HT Utrecht
Entrance fee

Register here.