Interactive integrity check for your department

Integrity Thursdays

man in de mist tussen borden met pijlen

What do you actually know about research integrity regulations? How do you decide when confronted with cases? In a 2 hour workshop you can check if your knowledge on research integrity is up to date, and you are stimulated to discuss these items more with your colleagues.

The workshop offers an interactive format to organise a quiz-like event, with some knowledge questions, some 'integrity culture check questions', but also with some cases, tailored to the research relevant at your department, to enhance a free exchange of ideas and opinions about Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR).
You will have the opportunity to experience the format yourself and to explore whether you would like to organise such a meeting as well.

The session will be led by Dr Jos Kole, Assistant Professor Professional Ethics in Healthcare at the Radboudumc. One of his tasks is to teach RCR from Bachelor 1 to PhD-level. He currently holds a Comenius Senior Fellowship for a project titled Physicians of character. Towards a Master in Medicine that takes virtues seriously.

Integrity Thursdays

Integrity Thursdays are meant to stimulate the debate on integrity issues in a creative manner, among students and researchers as well as other interested people. The thursdays are organised by the Descartes Centre, the Ethics Institute and the Freudenthal Institute.

Start date and time
End date and time
Entrance fee

Subscribe via, referring to RCR Integrity Quiz

Zoom meeting:

Meeting ID: 949 3956 3693 / Passcode: t7bEpM