Join in on the conversation in the city about the Utrecht Research Agenda

From to

Science starts with questions. That is why we are talking to Utrecht residents of all ages and backgrounds about themes and issues that matter to them, in many places in the city. What keeps you busy and why? What amazes you and what are you curious about? This input is priceless - one question can change the world. Your question can too. The Utrecht questions will lead to the Utrecht Research Agenda.

One question can change the world

Which question is most urgent to you? That can be anything. Such as how can we stop online bullying? Will we still be eating meat in the future? How do we keep your neighbourhood safe? And how do we ensure equal opportunities for everyone, regardless of where you live or what your background is?

You can talk to one of our scientists in person at various places around the city.

Where and when? 

We look forward to meeting you somewhere in Utrecht.

Want to know more?

Read more about the Utrecht Research Agenda and 385 Years Of Science in Utrecht. 

Start date and time
End date and time
Utrecht - various locations around town

It's not necessary to register, unless otherwise indicated