Curriculum Reflection Tool (course level)

The Curriculum Reflection Tool at the course level has two versions; one aimed for students and one aimed for teachers.

The tool elicits reflection around the following aspects of a course in regards to IDE and how it could be made more accessible/suitable for various minority groups:

  • The learning objectives
  • Teaching and learning activities
  • Assessment
  • The learning material
  • The role of the teacher
  • Overall evaluation question

It is intended as a start point for a discussion on inclusion and diversity with lecturers on a course. After such a discussion, they could decide there are elements that need altering and if so, which are the most relevant ones. In a later stage of the project, we will link the toolbox (see toolbox project) to the different parts of reflection tool so that teachers can be guided on how to make these changes. At the moment, we are working on some guidelines/procedure with more details suggested on how to do this.

Interested in using the Curriculum Reflection Tool?

Please contact us!

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We will be happy to share in exchange from receiving your feedback and thoughts on the tool.

How did we get there?

In order to develop a fitting tool, input from both students and teachers was collected. Focus groups with students from the three different faculties were held. During these, students were asked about their experiences and for feedback. The main take-away messages were that

  1. students missed diversity in their curriculum, that
  2. stereotypes of teachers can lead to unconsciously hurting students, and that
  3. due to the unequal position of teachers and students, teachers should take the lead in creating a more inclusive and diverse curriculum and learning environment.

> Find more insight into their experiences (only in Dutch).

A pilot testing a preliminary version of the tool also took place with individual teachers and teaching teams from the different faculties. The main take-away messages were that

  1. teachers positively experienced reflecting on diversity and inclusion in their course based on the curriculum reflection tool but
  2. needed additional guidance when completing certain statements. This feedback was incorporated into the tool by adding concrete examples of student experiences from the focus groups and by reformulating some statements. Another point of attention was
  3. the length of the tool, thus the reflection tool now included sections that are optional in order give teachers the freedom to focus on certain aspects at a time.