Dr. L.L. (Lonneke) IJsseldijk

Yalelaan 1
Kamer O.170
3584 CL Utrecht

Dr. L.L. (Lonneke) IJsseldijk

Assistant Professor
+31 6 24 455 698

Divison of Pathology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Biomolecular Health Sciences, Utrecht University

Since 2013 Project Manager and Researcher at Marine Mammal Stranding Research



2017 – 2021: PhD on harbour porpoise health at Utrecht University (4 years)

2015 – 2017: Master Environmental Biology at Utrecht University (2 years)

2009 – 2013: Bachelor at Van Hall Larenstein, course: Intergrated Coastal Zone Management (4 years)

2012 – 2013: Minor Marine Living Resources, Wageningen University (6 months)


For a list of peer-reviewed publication and other (scientific) output click here or check our website.


Other relevant work experiences:


Stairway to Impact Award 2022 at NWO Domain Science Prices (€50.000)