Dr. L.L. (Lonneke) IJsseldijk

Yalelaan 1
Kamer O.170
3584 CL Utrecht

Dr. L.L. (Lonneke) IJsseldijk

Universitair docent
06 24 455 698

Divison of Pathology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Biomolecular Health Sciences, Utrecht University

Since 2013 Project Manager and Researcher at Marine Mammal Stranding Research



2017 – 2021: PhD on harbour porpoise health at Utrecht University (4 years)

2015 – 2017: Master Environmental Biology at Utrecht University (2 years)

2009 – 2013: Bachelor at Van Hall Larenstein, course: Intergrated Coastal Zone Management (4 years)

2012 – 2013: Minor Marine Living Resources, Wageningen University (6 months)


For a list of peer-reviewed publication and other (scientific) output click here or check our website.


Other relevant work experiences:



Stairway to Impact Award 2022 at NWO Domain Science Prices (€50.000)