Dr. Amir Raoof

Vening Meineszgebouw A
Princetonlaan 8a
Kamer 394
3584 CB Utrecht

Dr. Amir Raoof

Associate Professor
+31 30 253 5039

New!! Documentary 1 + 1 = 3 (overcoming the barriers of interdisciplinary research): 


Google Scholar 

Reseach: Amir performs research on fundamentals of flow and transport in porous media applied to transport of fluids, colloids, and reactive chemical components in the shallow and deep subsurface. He applies multi-scale and multi-disciplinary approaches to integrate microscopic experimental observations with numerical methods. This is done using the cutting-edge computational and experimental facilities present in the Multiscale Porous Media Lab. To simulate a wide range of flow and reactive transport processes, Amir has developed a pore-scale modelling platform, Poreflow, to enable simulating multi-component reactive transport under saturated and multi-phase flow conditions.


Interdisciplinarity: To make a broader impact and outreach, Amir applied his geo-driven knowledge in a highly interdisciplinary manner to other disciplines. The generated fundamental knowledge on flow and transport in porous materials are applied to solve challenging problems in other research fields related to biological tissues and membranes such as bone and cartilage, as well as industrial materials such as filters, fuel cells, printing papers and catalyst particles. 


Structures of Strength (SoS): Unusual Collaborations on Porous Materials; a solution for health, food, and environmental changes.

In SoS, we create a platform where a team of researchers from diverse fields such as biology, medicine, culture, history, engineering and mathematics learn from each other and work together in order to combine their knowledge and create veritable solutions related to health, food, energy, cultural and environmental issues.


Structures of Strength (SoS) in the Betweter Festival:


Trailer Documentary 1 + 1 = 3 (overcoming the barriers of interdisciplinary research)


Documentary 1 + 1 = 3 (overcoming the barriers of interdisciplinary research)


Kick-off debate on the future of scientific publishing together with Rector Magnificus Henk Kummeling, Prof.  Bert Weckhuysen (Faculty of Science), Tessa Coffeng (Faculty of Social Sciences), and myself (Faculty of Geosciences ).

Kick-off debate on the future of scientific publishing 


News and Outreach:

Invited Talks:

  • Evolution on two-phase flow properties of reacting porous media. 3rd International Workshop on Digital Core Analysis Technology. Qingdao, China, August 2016
  • Upscaling of transport properties in reacting porous media. Antwerp, InterPore Benelux, Oct. 2015
  • Capabilities and potential applications of pore-scale modelling; an approach beyond the macroscopic description of porous media. French geological survey, BRGM, Sept. 2015
  • Evolving pore spaces, dynamics of transport properties. Stuttgart, NUPUS meeting, Sept. 2015
  • Dynamics of Rock Transport Properties in Reacting Porous Media, Delft University, DARSIM lecture series, June 2015
  • Evolution in Rock Hydraulic Properties Pore-Scale Reactive Transport Modeling, Amphos21, Barcelona, April 2015
  • Towards protecting our groundwater; Transport of contaminants from the land surface towards our groundwater, Utrecht Faculty of Geosciences, FEST Seminar series, March 2015
  • Bridging the pore scale to the large scale: flow and transport processes in porous media, 15th Brazilian Congress of Thermal Sciences and Engineering–ENCIT2014. Pará, Brazil, Nov 2014
  • Porosity permeability changes in reacting porous media. Gordon conference. July 6-11, 2014 at Bates College, Maine, USA
  • Characterizing flow and reactive solute transport in porous media; from micro to macro scale. Mini-symposium ‘Sustainability at Science and Geosciences: Common Grounds in Characterization Toolboxes’, organized by the faculties of Science and Geosciences of Utrecht University., Feb 6th-2014
  • CO2 Sequestration: change in properties of reservoir rock and wellbore cement, Hydraulic Association Conference, Tehran, Iran, October 2013
  • Pore-Network Modelling of Reactive Transport under (Variably-)Saturated Conditions”, SIAM-2013, Padua, Italy, March 2013
  • Pore network modelling and its application to analyse flow and transport in variably saturated porous media”, Institute of Hydraulics and Rural Water Management at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, April 2012
  • Pore-network modeling of multi-component reactive transport under (variably-) saturated conditions, NUPUS Meeting, Poros, Greece, April 2012.
  • Modeling and upscaling of reactive transport using pore network model, University of Twente, The Netherlands, Nov. 2011.
  • Groundwater remediation; pore scale modeling and processes, Stuttgart University, Sept. 2011.
  • Pore-network generation and simulation of flow/transport under saturated and unsaturated conditions, Summer school on Upscaling and Modeling of Reactive Transport in Partially-Saturated Porous Media, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2-9 July 2010
  • Upscaling transport of adsorbing solutes in partially-saturated porous media: Pore-network modeling, Third International Conference on Porous Media and its Applications in Science, Engineering and Industry, Montecatini Terme, Italy, June 20-25, 2010
  • Upscaling adsorptive transport in saturated and unsaturated porous media, Pore-network model, Department of Environmental Sciences University of California Riverside, June 11, 2010
  • Complex network model of two-phase flow and reactive transport; relative permeability and dispersion coefficient, Dept. of Mathematics, University of Bergen, February, 2010
  • Complex network model of two-phase flow and reactive transport; relative permeability and effective mass transfer coefficients, EOR Department, Shell Global Solutions International BV, Rijswijk, Netherlands, December, 2009
  • Upscaling of adsorptive transport, pore-network modeling”, Summer School on Role of Interfacial Area in Two-Phase Flow and Transport in Porous Media: Theory, Experiment, Modeling, Utrecht University, Netherlands, 22 & 23 July, 2009
  • Upscaling from pore to core using pore network modeling, NUPUS seminar, Stuttgart University, Germany, January 13, 2009
  • Upscaling Reactive Transport Using a Pore Scale Network Model, Marie Curie workshop on flow and transport in porous media, Utrecht University, the Netherlands, November 11-15, 2007
  • A new method to generate pore network model to simulate reactive transport in porous medium, National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, RIVM, 2007
  • Upscaling adsorptive transport from pore to core scale, EPFL (Ecole Polytechnique Federal Lausanne) Switzerland, 2007
  • Upscaling adsorptive transport from micro scale to pore scale, mini-workshop on virus transport, Utrecht university, 2007


Organized Conference Sessions and Summer Schools:

  • Accepted session at American Geophysical Union (AGU) 2016
  • Co-chair of Gordon Research Conference 2016
  • Organizing session at American Geophysical Union (AGU) 2015
  • Organization of a session at International Society for Porous Media (InterPore) Padua, Italy, May 2015.
  • Summer school " Pore Scale Modeling and Upscaling of (Reactive) Transport in Partially-Saturated Porous Media, Utrecht University", 13-17 July 2015
  • Organization of a session at International Society for Porous Media (InterPore) Milwaukee, USA, May 2014
  • Organization of a session at European Geophysical Union (EGU) 2014
  • Organization of a session at European Geophysical Union (EGU) 2013
  • Organization of a session at American Geophysical Union (AGU) 2013
  • Workshop on “pore network modeling and its application to analyze flow and transport in variably saturated porous media”, Institute of Hydraulics and Rural Water Management, Vienna, April 2012
  • Organization of Utrecht Summer school "Upscaling and Modeling of Reactive Transport in Partially-Saturated Porous Media, Utrecht University", 2-9 July 2010
  • Collaborating in 6th Symposium of Geological Society of Iran. Kerman, Iran, 2002


PhD Book: Reactive/Adsorptive Transport in (Partially-) Saturated Porous Media; from pore scale to core scale

Book Chapter: Pore-network modeling of multi-component reactive transport under (variably-) saturated conditions Amir Raoof, Hamidreza M. Nick, S. Majid Hassanizadeh & Christopher J. Spiers. http://www.crcpress.com/product/isbn/9781138015203

The Use of Numerical Flow and Transport Models in Environmental Analyses Martinus Th. van Genuchten, Carolina Naveira-Cotta, Todd H. Skaggs, Amir Raoof, Elizabeth M. Pontedeiro. http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-319-06013-2_15