Scholarly publications
Valibeknejad, M., Abdoli, S. M., Alizadeh, R.
, Mihăilă, S. M., & Raoof, A. (2023).
Insights into transport in mucus barrier: Exploring particle penetration through the intestinal mucus layer.
Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology,
86, 1-10. [104752]. Mirzaei, B., Nezamabadi-Pour, H.
, Raoof, A., & Derakhshani, R. (2023).
Small Object Detection and Tracking: A Comprehensive Review.
23(15), 1-22. [6887]., A., Mahdiyar, H.
, Raoof, A., Nikooee, E., & Qajar, J. (2023).
The pore-network modeling of gas-condensate flow: Elucidating the effect of pore morphology, wettability, interfacial tension, and flow rate.
Geoenergy Science and Engineering,
229, 1-29. [211937]., A.
, Raoof, A., Mahdiyar, H.
, Nikooee, E., Ghaedi, M.
, & Qajar, J. (2023).
Review on pore-network modeling studies of gas-condensate flow: Pore structure, mechanisms, and implementations.
Geoenergy Science and Engineering,
226, 1-34. [211693]. Noughabi, R., Mansouri, S. H.
, & Raoof, A. (2023).
Interface-induced dispersion in the unsaturated porous media: A pore-scale perspective.
Advances in Water Resources,
178, 1-13. [104474]. Hung, C-C., Niemeijer, A. R., Raoof, A., & Sweijen, T. (2023).
Investigation of strain localization in sheared granular layers using 3-D discrete element modeling.
862, 1-13. [229974]. Derakhshani, R., Zaresefat, M., Nikpeyman, V., GhasemiNejad, A., Shafieibafti, S., Rashidi, A., Nemati, M.
, & Raoof, A. (2023).
Machine Learning-Based Assessment of Watershed Morphometry in Makran.
12(4), [776]. Zaresefat, M., Derakhshani, R., Nikpeyman, V., GhasemiNejad, A.
, & Raoof, A. (2023).
Using Artificial Intelligence to Identify Suitable Artificial Groundwater Recharge Areas for the Iranshahr Basin.
15(6), 1-12. [1182]. 2022
Scholarly publications
Lima, M. C. O.
, Pontedeiro, E. M., Ramirez, M. G., Favoreto, J., dos Santos, H. N.
, van Genuchten, M. T., Borghi, L., Couto, P.
, & Raoof, A. (2022).
Impacts of Mineralogy on Petrophysical Properties.
Transport in Porous Media,
145(1), 103-125., M., Ahmadi, H.
, Raoof, A., & Cartwright, N. (2022).
Impacts of Receding of the Lakes Located in the Arid and Semi-arid Areas on the Coastal Groundwater: Integrated Modeling and Experimental Study.
Water Resources Management,
36(11), 4057-4080., S., Ayatollahi, S., Jamshidi, S.
, & Raoof, A. (2022).
Investigation on reactive flow through porous media by quadtree Lattice Boltzmann.
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering,
104, [104674]., E., Mohebbi, A., Feili Monfared, A. E.
, & Raoof, A. (2022).
Lattice Boltzmann study of dissolution in porous media. Comparison of VOP with VOF-curved boundary coupling.
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering,
216, [110754]. Yan, L., Chang, Y.
, Hassanizadeh, S. M., Xiao, S.
, Raoof, A., Fredrik Berg, C., & He, J. (2022).
A quantitative study of salinity effect on water diffusion in n-alkane phases: From pore-scale experiments to molecular dynamic simulation.
324(Part B), [124716]. Nikpeyman, Y.
, Nikpeyman, V., Derakhshani, R., & Raoof, A. (2022).
Assessment of a Multi-Layer Aquifer Vulnerability Using a Multi-Parameter Decision-Making Method in Mosha Plain, Iran.
14(21), 1-15. [3397]. Vries, E. T., Tang, Q., Faez, S., & Raoof, A. (2022).
Fluid flow and colloid transport experiment in single-porosity sample; tracking of colloid transport behavior in a saturated micromodel.
Advances in Water Resources,
159, 1-11. [104086]. Aslannejad, H., Samari-Kermani, M., Mohammad Nezami, H., Jafari, S.
, & Raoof, A. (2022).
Application of machine learning in colloids transport in porous media studies: Lattice Boltzmann simulation results as training data.
Chemical Engineering Science,
253, 1-14. [117548]. Professional publications
Kashani, E., Mohebbi, A., Feili Monfared, A. E.
, & Raoof, A. (2022).
Corrigendum to “Lattice Boltzmann study of dissolution in porous media: Comparison of VOP with VOF-curved boundary coupling” [J. Petrol. Sci. Eng., 216 (2022) 110754] (Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering (2022) 216, (S0920410522006167), (10.1016/j.petrol.2022.110754)).
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering,
218, [111008]. 2021
Scholarly publications
Kashani, E., Mohebbi, A., Feili Monfared, A. E.
, & Raoof, A. (2021).
Non-linear boundary conditions for the convection-diffusion equation in lattice Boltzmann framework.
Chemical Engineering Science,
247, 1-12. [116925]. Parvan, A., Jafari, S., Rahnama, M., Norouzi-Apourvari, S.
, & Raoof, A. (2021).
Insight into particle detachment in clogging of porous media; a pore scale study using lattice Boltzmann method.
Advances in Water Resources,
151, 1-14. [103888]. Samari Kermani, M., Jafari, S., Rahnama, M.
, & Raoof, A. (2021).
Ionic strength and zeta potential effects on colloid transport and retention processes: Ionic strength and zeta potential effects on colloid transport and retention processes.
Colloids and Interface Science Communications,
42, [100389]. Zhuang, L., Raoof, A., Mahmoodlu, M. G., Biekart, S., de Witte, R., Badi, L.
, van Genuchten, M. T., & Lin, K. (2021).
Unsaturated flow effects on solute transport in porous media.
Journal of Hydrology,
598, 1-9. [126301]. Mahmoodlu, M. G., Raoof, A., & Van Genuchten, M. T. (2021).
Effect of soil textural characteristics on longitudinal dispersion in saturated porous media.
Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics,
69(2), 161-170. Agrawal, P., Mascini, A., Bultreys, T.
, Aslannejad, H., Wolthers, M., Cnudde, V., Butler, I. B.
, & Raoof, A. (2021).
The impact of pore-throat shape evolution during dissolution on carbonate rock permeability: Pore network modeling and experiments.
Advances in Water Resources,
155, [103991]. Agrawal, P., Bollermann, T.
, Raoof, A., Iliev, O., Fischer, C.
, & Wolthers, M. (2021).
The contribution of hydrodynamic processes to calcite dissolution rates and rate spectra.
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta,
307, 338-350. Pouran, B.
, Raoof, A., de Winter, D. A. M., Arbabi, V., Bleys, R. L. A. W., Beekman, F. J., Zadpoor, A. A.
, Malda, J., & Weinans, H. (2021).
Topographic features of nano-pores within the osteochondral interface and their effects on transport properties -a 3D imaging and modeling study.
Journal of Biomechanics,
123, 1-8. [110504]. Winter, D. A. M., Weishaupt, K., Scheller, S., Frey, S.
, Raoof, A., Hassanizadeh, S. M., & Helmig, R. (2021).
The Complexity of Porous Media Flow Characterized in a Microfluidic Model Based on Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy and Micro-PIV.
Transport in Porous Media,
136(1), 343-367. 2020
Scholarly publications
Boccardo, G., Tosco, T., Fujisaki, A., Messina, F.
, Raoof, A., R. Aguilera, D., Crevacore, E., Marchisio, D. L., & Sethi, R. (2020).
A review of transport of nanoparticles in porous media: From pore- to macroscale using computational methods. In
Nanomaterials for the Detection and Removal of Wastewater Pollutants (pp. 351-381). (Micro and Nano Technologies). Elsevier., W., Raoof, A., & Zech, A. (2020).
Time consumption in calculations of the hydraulic and geometrical tortuosity in granular beds.
Technical Sciences,
23(1), 25-51. Parvan, A., Jafari, S., Rahnama, M., Norouzi apourvari, S.
, & Raoof, A. (2020).
Insight into particle retention and clogging in porous media; a pore scale study using lattice Boltzmann method.
Advances in Water Resources,
138(4), [103530]. Samari Kermani, M., Jafari, S., Rahnama, M.
, & Raoof, A. (2020).
Direct pore scale numerical simulation of colloid transport and retention. Part I: Fluid flow velocity, colloid size, and pore structure effects.
Advances in Water Resources,
144(10), [103694]. G. Mahmoodlu, M., Raoof, A., Bultreys, T.
, Van Stappen, J., & Cnudde, V. (2020).
Large-scale pore network and continuum simulations of solute longitudinal dispersivity of a saturated sand column.
Advances in Water Resources,
144, [103713]. Lima, M. C. O.
, Pontedeiro, E. M., Ramirez, M., Boyd, A.
, Van Genuchten, M. T., Borghi, L., Couto, P.
, & Raoof, A. (2020).
Petrophysical Correlations for the Permeability of Coquinas (Carbonate Rocks).
Transport in Porous Media,
135(2), 287-308., R., Raoof, A., Mahvi, A. H., & Chatrouz, H. (2020).
Similarities in the fingerprints of coal mining activities, high ground water fluoride, and dental fluorosis in Zarand district, Kerman province, Iran.
53(2), 257-267. Yan, L., Aslannejad, H., Hassanizadeh, S. M., & Raoof, A. (2020).
Impact of water salinity differential on a crude oil droplet constrained in a capillary: Pore-scale mechanisms.
274, [117798]. Agrawal, P., Raoof, A., Iliev, O., & Wolthers, M. (2020).
Evolution of pore-shape and its impact on pore conductivity during CO2 injection in calcite: Single pore simulations and microfluidic experiments.
Advances in Water Resources,
136, [103480]. Azarafza, M., Nanehkaran, Y., Rajabion, L., Akgün, H., Rahnamarad, J.
, Derakhshani, R., & Raoof, A. (2020).
Application of the modified Q-slope classification system for sedimentary rock slope stability assessment in Iran.
Engineering Geology,
264, [105349].
Scholarly publications
Godoy, W., Pontedeiro, E. M., Hoerlle, F., Raoof, A., van Genuchten, M., & Couto, P. (2019). NMR-based segmentation of a coquina sample for digital petrophysics. Paper presented at 1st EAGE Workshop on Pre-Salt Reservoir: From Exploration to Production, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Godoy, W.
, Pontedeiro, E. M., Hoerlle, F.
, Raoof, A., Van Genuchten, M. T., Santiago, J., & Couto, P. (2019).
Computational and experimental pore-scale studies of a carbonate rock sample.
Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics,
67(4), 372-383., M., Ahmadi, H.
, Raoof, A., & Cartwright, N. (2019).
An alternative approach to control saltwater intrusion in coastal aquifers using a freshwater surface recharge canal.
Journal of Contaminant Hydrology,
222, 56-64., X., Zarikos, I., Karadimitriou, N. K., Raoof, A., & Hassanizadeh, S. M. (2019).
Direct simulations of two-phase flow experiments of different geometry complexities using Volume-of-Fluid (VOF) method.
Chemical Engineering Science,
195, 820-827. 2018
Scholarly publications
Mahmoodlu, M. G., Van Genuchten, M. T., Sweijen, T., & Raoof, A. (2018).
Unsaturated hydraulic properties of heterogeneously packed sands: A pore-scale computational study.
Journal of Hydrology,
565, 570-580. Hashemi, F.
, Derakhshani, R., Shafieibafti, S.
, & Raoof, A. (2018).
Morphometric dataset of the alluvial fans at the southern part of Nayband fault, Iran.
Data in Brief,
21, 1756–1763., X., Aslannejad, H., de Vries, E. T., Raoof, A., & Hassanizadeh, S. M. (2018).
Droplet Imbibition into Paper Coating Layer: Pore-Network Modeling Simulation.
Transport in Porous Media,
125(2), 239-258. Abdoli, S. M., Shafiei, S.
, Raoof, A., Ebadi, A., & Jafarzadeh, Y. (2018).
Insight into Heterogeneity Effects in Methane Hydrate Dissociation via Pore-Scale Modeling.
Transport in Porous Media,
124(1), 183-201. Aslannejad, H., Fathi, H., Hassanizadeh, S. M., Raoof, A., & Tomozeiu, N. (2018).
Movement of a liquid droplet within a fibrous layer: Direct pore-scale modeling and experimental observations.
Chemical Engineering Science,
191, 78-86. Abdoli, S. M., Shafiei, S.
, Raoof, A., Ebadi, A., Jafarzadeh, Y.
, & Aslannejad, H. (2018).
Water flux reduction in microfiltration membranes: a pore network study.
Chemical Engineering and Technology,
41(8), 1566-1576., T. K. T., & Raoof, A. (2018).
Meter-scale reactive transport modeling of CO2-rich fluid flow along debonded wellbore casing-cement interfaces.
Environmental Science & Technology,
52(6), 3786-3795. Ghotbi Ravandi, E., Rahmannejad, R., Karimi-Nasab, S., Sarrafi, A.
, & Raoof, A. (2018).
Water Curtain System Pre-design for Crude Oil Storage URCs: A Numerical Modeling and Genetic Programming Approach.
Geotechnical and Geological Engineering,
36(2), 813-826. 2017
Scholarly publications
Ameri, A.
, Raoof, A., Blonk, C.
, & Cnudde, V. (2017).
Detailed modeling of carbonate acidizing by coupling a multi-purpose pore-network similator to the chemistry package PHREEQC: application to chelating agents. In
SPE Latin America and Caribbean Petroleum Engineering, Conference papers (pp. 18). Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE). Lopik, J. H., Snoeijers, R., van Dooren, T. C. G. W.
, Raoof, A., & Schotting, R. J. (2017).
The Effect of Grain Size Distribution on Nonlinear Flow Behavior in Sandy Porous Media.
Transport in Porous Media,
120(1), 37-66. Ameri, A., Raoof, A., Blonk, N. C., & Cnudde, V. (2017). Detailed modeling of carbonate acidizing by coupling a multi-purpose pore-network simulator to the chemistry package PHREEQC - Application to chelating agents. In Society of Petroleum Engineers - SPE Latin America and Caribbean Petroleum Engineering Conference 2017 (Vol. 3 vols). Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE).
Seetha, N., Raoof, A., Mohan Kumar, M. S., & Hassanizadeh, S. M. (2017).
Upscaling of nanoparticle transport in porous media under unfavorable conditions: Pore scale to Darcy scale.
Journal of Contaminant Hydrology,
200, 1-14. Fathi, H., Raoof, A., & Mansouri, S. H. (2017).
Insights into the role of wettability in cathode catalyst layer of proton exchange membrane fuel cell: pore scale immiscible flow and transport processes.
Journal of Power Sources,
349, 57-67. Fathi, H., Raoof, A., Mansouri, S. H.
, & van Genuchten, M. T. (2017).
Effects of porosity and water saturation on the effective diffusivity of a cathode catalyst layer.
Journal of the Electrochemical Society,
164(4), F298-F305. G. Mahmoodlu, M., Pontedeiro, E. M., Pérez Guerrero, J. S.
, Raoof, A., Hassanizadeh, S. M., & van Genuchten, M. T. (2017).
Dissolution kinetics of volatile organic compound vapors in water: An integrated experimental and computational study.
Journal of Contaminant Hydrology,
196, 43-51. de Vries, E. T., Raoof, A., & van Genuchten, M. T. (2017).
Multiscale modelling of dual-porosity porous media: a computational pore-scale study for flow and solute transport.
Advances in Water Resources,
105, 82-95. Aslannejad, H., Hassanizadeh, S. M., Raoof, A., de Winter, D. A. M., Tomozeu, N.
, & van Genuchten, M. T. (2017).
Characterizing the hydraulic properties of a paper coating layer using FIB-SEM tomography and 3D pore-scale modeling.
Chemical Engineering Science,
160, 275-280. 2016
Scholarly publications
Wolterbeek, T. K. T., Peach, C. J., Raoof, A., & Spiers, C. J. (2016).
Reactive transport of CO2-rich fluids in simulated wellbore interfaces: Flow-through experiments on the 1–6 m length scale.
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control,
54(Part 1), 96-116. Mahmoodlu, M. G., Raoof, A., Sweijen, T., & van Genuchten, M. T. (2016).
Effects of sand compaction and mixing on pore structure and the unsaturated soil hydraulic properties.
Vadose Zone Journal,
15(8), 1-11. [vzj2015.10.0136]. Zhuang, L., Hassanizadeh, S. M., van Genuchten, M. T., Leijnse, A.
, Raoof, A., & Qin, C. (2016).
Modeling of horizontal water redistribution in an unsaturated soil.
Vadose Zone Journal,
15(3), 1-11. Professional publications
Flemisch, B., Nordbotten, J. M., Nowak, W.
, & Raoof, A. (2016).
Editorial: Special Issue on “NUPUS: Non-linearities and Upscaling in PoroUS Media”.
Transport in Porous Media,
114(2), 237-240. Lopik, J. H., Hartog, N., Zaadnoordijk, W. J.
, Cirkel, D. G., & Raoof, A. (2016).
Erratum to 'Salinization in a stratified aquifer induced by heat transfer from well casings' [Advances in water resources 86A(2015)32-45] DOI 10.1016/j.advwatres.2015.09.025.
Advances in Water Resources,
91, 138. Other output
Aslannejad, H., Hassanizadeh, S. M., Raoof, A., de Winter, D. A. M., & Tomozeiu, N. (2016). Characterizing hydraulic properties of paper coating using FIB-SEM tomography and 3D pore-scale modeling. Paper presented at Progress in paper physics seminar 2016, Germany.
Wolterbeek, T. K. T., Raoof, A., Peach, C. J., & Spiers, C. J. (2016). Reactive transport of CO2-rich fluids in simulated wellbore interfaces: Experiments and models exploring behaviour on length scales of 1 to 6 m. Abstract from AGU Fall Meeting 2016, San Fransisco, California, United States.
Scholarly publications
Seetha, N., Hassanizadeh, S. M., Mohan Kumar, M. S., & Raoof, A. (2015).
Correlation equations for average deposition rate coefficients of nanoparticles in a cylindrical pore.
Water Resources Research,
51(10), 8034-8059. van Lopik, J. H., Hartog, N., Zaadnoordijk, W. J., Cirkel, D. G.
, & Raoof, A. (2015).
Salinization in a stratified aquifer induced by heat transfer from well casings.
Advances in Water Resources,
86, Part A, 32-45. Zhang, Q., Raoof, A., & Hassanizadeh, S. M. (2015).
Pore-scale study of flow rate on colloid attachment and remobilization in a saturated micromodel.
Journal of Environmental Quality,
44(5), 1376-1383. [5]. Mahmoodlu, M. G., Hassanizadeh, S. M., Hartog, N., Raoof, A., & van Genuchten, M. T. (2015).
Evaluation of a horizontal permeable reactive barrier for preventing upward diffusion of volatile organic compounds through the unsaturated zone.
Journal of Environmental Management,
163, 204-213. [4989]. 2014
Scholarly publications
Raoof, A., Nick, H. M., Hassanizadeh, S. M., & Spiers, C. J. (2014).
Pore-network modeling of multi-component reactive transport under (variably-) saturated conditions. In R. Al-Khoury, & J. Bundschuh (Eds.),
Computational models for CO2 sequestration and compressed air energy storage (pp. 137-170). (Sustainable Energy Developments). CRC Press. Mahmoodlu, M. G., Hassanizadeh, S. M., Hartog, N., & Raoof, A. (2014).
Oxidation of trichloroethylene, toluene, and ethanol vapors by a partially saturated permeable reactive barrier.
Journal of Contaminant Hydrology,
164, 193-208. Seetha, N., Mohan Kumar, M. S., Hassanizadeh, S. M., & Raoof, A. (2014).
Virus-sized colloid transport in a single pore: Model development and sensitivity analysis.
Journal of Contaminant Hydrology,
164, 163-180. Nikooee, E., Habibagahi, G., Khaksar, H.
, Hassanizadeh, S. M., & Raoof, A. (2014).
Pore network modeling of unsaturated soils: Fundamentals, recent advancements and future perspectives. In M. A. Hicks, R. B. J. Brinkgreve, & A. Rohe (Eds.),
Numerical Methods in Geotechnical Engineering - NUMGE 2014 (pp. 1007-1012) Professional publications
van Genuchten, M. T., Naveira-Cotta, C., Skaggs, T. H.
, Raoof, A., & Pontedeiro, E. M. (2014).
The use of numerical flow and transport models in environmental analyses. In W. Geraldes Teixeira, M. Bacis Ceddia, M. Vasconcelos Ottoni, & G. Kangussu Donnagema (Eds.),
Application of soil physics in environmental analyses: Measuring, modelling and data integration (pp. 349-376). (Progress in Soil Science). Springer. 2013
Scholarly publications
Zhang, Q., Hassanizadeh, S. M., Karadimitriou, N. K., Raoof, A., Liu, B., Kleingeld, P. J., & Imhof, A. (2013).
Retention and remobilization of colloids during steady-state and transient two-phase flow.
Water Resources Research,
49(12), 8005-8016. Seetha, N., Mohan Kumar, M. S., Hassanizadeh, S. M., & Raoof, A. (2013). Scale effects on virus transport in porous media. In Proceedings of HYDRO 2013 International
Mahmoodlu, M. G., Hassanizadeh, S. M., Hartog, N., & Raoof, A. (2013).
Application of solid potassium permanganate to oxidize VOC vapours: Batch and column experiments. In G. Musso (Ed.),
Coupled Phenomena in Environmental Geotechnics: From Theoretical and Experimental Research to Practical Applications - Proceedings of the International Symposium, ISSMGE TC 215 (pp. 35-42). CRC Press. Raoof, A., & Hassanizadeh, S. M. (2013).
Saturation-dependent solute dispersivity in porous media: pore-scale processes.
Water Resources Research,
49(4), 1943-1951. Raoof, A., Nick, H. M., Hassanizadeh, S. M., & Spiers, C. J. (2013).
PoreFlow: A complex pore-network model for simulation of reactive transport in variably saturated porous media.
Computers and Geosciences,
61, 160-174. Nick, H. M., Raoof, A., Centler, F.
, Thullner, M., & Regnier, P. (2013).
Reactive dispersive contaminant transport in coastal aquifers: Numerical simulation of a reactive Henry problem.
Journal of Contaminant Hydrology,
145, 90-104. 2012
Scholarly publications
Raoof, A., Nick, H. M., Wolterbeek, T. K. T., & Spiers, C. J. (2012).
Pore-scale modeling of reactive transport in wellbore cement under CO2 storage conditions.
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control,
11S, 67-77. Raoof, A., & Hassanizadeh, S. M. (2012).
A new formulation for pore-network modeling of two-phase flow.
Water Resources Research,
48(1), [W01514]. Zhang, Q., Hassanizadeh, S. M., Raoof, A., van Genuchten, M. T., & Roels, S. (2012).
Modeling virus transport and remobilization during transient partially-saturated flow.
Vadose Zone Journal,
11(2), [vzj2011.0090]. Vasilyev, L., Raoof, A., & Nordbotten, J. M. (2012).
Effect of mean network coordination number on dispersivity characteristics.
Transport in Porous Media,
95(2), 447-463. 2011
Scholarly publications
Other output
Zhang, Q., Hassanizadeh, S. M., & Raoof, A. (2011). Modeling of Colloid Transport Under Transient Conditions. Poster session presented at Poster.
Sadeghi, G. R., Schijven, J. F., Behrends, T., Hassanizadeh, S. M., Raoof, A., Gerritse, J., & Kleingeld, P. J. (2011). Transport of bacteriophage PRD1 through saturated clean sand columns as a function of Calcium concentration. Poster session presented at Poster.
Scholarly publications
Raoof, A., & Hassanizadeh, S. M. (2010). A new method for generating pore-network models of porous media. Transport in Porous Media, 81(3), 391-407, doi: 10.1007/s11242-009-9412-3.
Raoof, A., & Hassanizadeh, S. M. (2010). Upscaling transport of adsorbing solutes in porous media. Journal of Porous Media, 13(5), 395-408.
Raoof, A., Hassanizadeh, S. M., & Leijnse, A. (2010). Upscaling transport of adsorbing solutes in porous media: pore-network modeling. Vadose Zone Journal, 9(3), 624-636.