Prof. dr. H.S. (Hans) Kooistra

Prof. dr. H.S. (Hans) Kooistra

Inwendige Geneeskunde Gezelschapsdieren
030 253 1684
Foerageerverrijking bij papegaaien 01-01-2018
Algemene projectbeschrijving

Promotieonderzoek door Mandy Beekmans naar fysiologische en gedragsmatige effecten van foerageerverrijking bij papegaaien

Anders Gefinancierd vanuit externe fondsen in combinatie met eerste geldstroom
Afgesloten projecten
Onderzoek naar COVID-19 bij huisdieren 01-06-2020 tot 30-11-2021
Algemene projectbeschrijving

3e geldstroom - overig
Overige projectleden
  • NCOH
  • WUR
  • Erasmus MC
  • WBVR
Onderzoek naar stralingshygiënische aspecten van behandeling schildkliertumor bij katten met radioactief Jodium-131 18-11-2015 tot 01-02-2018
3e geldstroom - overig ANVS (Authoriteit Nucleaire Veiligheid en Stralingsbescherming)
Nieuwe behandelingsopties van hypercortisolisme met melanocortin 2 receptor (MC2R) antagonist en steroidogenic factor 1 (SF-1) inverse agonists 01-01-2015 tot 31-12-2016
Algemene projectbeschrijving

In this study, in vitro models of canine Cushing`s syndrome will be used to study new treatment options. In adrenocortical tumor tissue the investigators will assess the effectiveness of compounds, called SF-1 inverse agonists, on hormone production and tumor growth, which are the main characteristics of an adrenocortical tumor. Testing with these compounds holds promises for a new medical approach of even inoperable adrenocortical tumors. In normal adrenal glands, surrogating the pituitary-dependent hypercortisolism, the suppression of steroid production is sufficient. The investigators expect that compounds, called MC2 receptor antagonists, will be superior to the current treatment due to their selectivity.

Identifying novel medical options will improve current treatment of Cushing`s syndrome in dogs. 

3e geldstroom - overig Morris Animal Foundation
Overige projectleden
  • Enzo Lalli
  • MD
Referentiewaarden voor normetanephrine en metanephrine bij honden 01-09-2014 tot 01-03-2015
Algemene projectbeschrijving

Pheochromocytomas are catecholamine-secreting tumours derived from chromaffin cells in the adrenal medulla or extra-adrenal sympathetic nervous system. Symptoms and signs of pheochromocytoma result from secretion of excessive amounts of catecholamines or, infrequently from the space-occupying or invasive nature of the tumor. Clinical presentation of pheochromocytoma may be vague and in lack of reliable endocrine tests, it remains under diagnosed. Because pheochromocytoma are potentially malignant and their hormone secretion can lead to life-threatening situations and dead, there is need for a reliable endocrine test.
Measurement of catecholamine metabolites metanephrine (MN) and normetanephrine (NMN) in plasma and urine has been introduced in the diagnosis of pheochromocytoma in dogs. The major limitation of those studies is small sample size with regard to dogs with pheochromocytoma and healthy animals. In addition, acute stress can increase MN release, so exploring non invasive methods, like salivary MN and NMN measurements, is warranted.
The aims of this study are (1) to measure free MN and NMN in saliva (for the first time in veterinary medicine) (2) to establish the reference range for MN and NMN in saliva, plasma and urine and (3) to compare the concentrations of MN and NMS in urine and saliva collected at home with ones collected in-hospital.

In 50 healthy dogs voided urine samples will be collected by the owner in the morning one day before the visit to the hospital. In addition, saliva will be collected on the same day at home, written instructions will be provided. In the hospital, physical examination will be performed and thereafter blood, saliva and urine will be collected in this particular order. All samples will be stored at -20oC until analysis. In plasma and saliva, free MN and NMN will be measured and urinary deconjugated MN and NMN will be related to the urinary creatinine.

The results of urinary and salivary home–sampling will be compared to sampling in in-hospital environment and the influence of acute stress on MN and NMN values will be evaluated. Laboratory determinations and data analysis will take no more than 4 weeks and can be performed as soon as the material will be collected. The application to use healthy dogs in this study is in preparation.

3e geldstroom - overig Stichting DOG
Overige projectleden
  • Ido Kema
  • UMC Groningen
Kisspeptin: de poortwachter van de reproductieve functie. Een realistisch target voor niet-chirurgische contraceptie bij de hond. 03-01-2011 tot 30-12-2016
3e geldstroom - overig Found Animal Foundation (2 years), daarnaast 1e geldstroom
Pathogenese en behandeling van cortisol-producerende bijnierschorstumoren van de hond. 01-11-2009 tot 01-11-2013
Algemene projectbeschrijving

The comparative and translational oncology program is part of the focus areas Tissue Repair and Advances in Veterinary Medicine of the Faculty of Veterinary Sciences. 

In collaboration within the Utrecht University focus area "Growth and Differentiation" studies are oriented at the role of cancer stem cells in mammary, adrenal and insulin-producing carcinomas. 

  • Mammary carcinoma
  • Adrenocortical carcinoma
  • Insulinoma

In the program Advances in Veterinary Medicine translational research is oriented at

  • Soft tissue sarcoma
  • Lymphoma
  • Prostate carcinoma
  • Molecular imaging 
3e geldstroom - overig Morris Animal Foundation- Pfizer Animal Health scholarship for advanced study