peer reviewed:

Gamm M, Peviani A, Honsel A, Snel B, Smeekens S, Hanson J (2014). Increased sucrose levels mediate selective mRNA translation in Arabidopsis. BMC Plant. Biol. 14, 306. Link

He H, de Souza Vidigal D, Snoek LB, Schnabel S, Nijveen H, Hilhorst H, Bentsink L. (2014) Interaction between parental environment and genotype affects plant and seed performance in Arabidopsis.J Exp Bot. 65: 6603-6615. Link

Ribeiro PR, Dekkers BJW, Fernandez LG, De Castro RF, Ligterink W, Hilhorst HWM (2014). Identification of reference genes for gene expression studies during seed germination and seedling establishment in Ricinus communis L. Seed Science Research 24: 341-352. Link

Tomé F, Nägele T, Adamo M, Garg A, Marco-llorca C, Nukarinen E, Pedrotti L, Peviani A, Simeunovic A, Tatkiewicz A, Tomar M and Gamm M (2014). The low energy signaling network. Frontiers in Plant Science 5: 353. Link

Zamioudis C, Hanson  J, Pieterse CMJ (2014). β-Glucosidase BGLU42 is a MYB72-dependent key regulator of rhizobacteria-induced systemic resistance and modulates iron deficiency responses in Arabidopsis roots New Phytologist 204: 368–379. Link

Van Zanten M, Zöll C, Wang Z, Philipp C, Carles A, Li Y, Kornet NG, Liu Y, Soppe WJJ. HISTONE DEACETYLASE 9 represses seedling traits in Arabidopsis thaliana dry seeds.Plant Journal. 80:475-488 Link

Smeekens S, Hellmann HA. (2014). Sugar sensing and signaling in plants. Frontiers in Plant Science, 5: 113 Link

Maia J, Dekkers BJW, Dolle MJ, Ligterink W, Hilhorst HWM. (2014). Abscisic acid (ABA) sensitivity regulates desiccation tolerance in germinated Arabidopsis seeds. New Phytologist, Link 

Li P, Zhou H, Shi X, Yu B, Zhou Y, Chen S, Wang Y, Peng Y, Meyer RC, Smeekens SC, Teng S (2014). The ABI4-induced Arabidopsis ANAC060 transcription factor attenuates ABA signalling and renders seedlings sugar insensitive when present in the nucleus. Plos Genetics, 10(3): e1004213 Link

Lastdrager J, Hanson J, Smeekens S. (2014). Sugar signals and the control of plant growth and development. Journal of Experimental Botany. 799-807. Link

Brouwer P, Bräutigam A, Külahoglu C, Tazelaar AOE, Kurz S, Nierop KGJ, Van der Werf A, Weber APM, Schluepmann H. (2014). Azolla domestication towards a biobased economy?New Phytologist, Link

not-peer reviewed:
Tazelaar A, "Broodje Watervaren: Azolla filiculoides als pioniersoort in een biobased economy (2014). NVOX, magazine voor het onderwijs in natuurwetenschappen 39: 4