Student Research Projects
In the research projects, the students usually work together with members of the institute and colleagues from the Nikhef research center, and they are in close contact with collaborating scientists from institutes abroad.
We regularly have projects available for students in the different fields. If you are interested in one of the student research projects, don't hesitate to contact us for more information on possible projects.
Heavy Ion Physics projects
We perform measurements of heavy-ion collision experiments with ALICE at the CERN LHC. We play a strong role in the data analysis and are active in the development, design and construction of the newest particle detectors.
Contact for BSc student projects:
Dr. Anuradha Samajdar
Contact for MSc student projects:
Prof. Thomas Peitzmann, Prof. Raimond Snellings, Dr. Alessandro Grelli, Dr. Marta VerweijGravitational Waves projects
We develop methods to search for new sources of gravitational waves as well as techniques to extract astrophysical information from signals once they are detected with large laser interferometers such as Virgo and LIGO.
Contact for BSc student projects:
Dr. Anuradha Samajdar
Contact for MSc student projects:
Prof. Chris Van Den Broeck and Dr. Anuradha Samajdar