dr. I. Swart (Ingmar)

  • prof. dr. I. (Ingmar) Swart


    Princetonplein 1
    3584CC Utrecht
  • Quantum Materials, Scanning Tunneling Microscopy/Spectroscopy, Condensed Matter Physics, Nanomaterials, Surface Science, Atomic Force Microscopy, Density Functional Theory

Quantum Matter

In some ways, all matter, ranging from molecules to crystals, is quantum mechanical in nature. We are particularly interested in materials where macroscopically measurable properties emerge that are intrinsically quantum mechanical. Prominent examples are topological insulators and superconductors. We study these phenomena using scanning probe microscopy experiments and simulations. Currently, the research is focused on the atom-by-atom construction and patterning of materials and their characterization. A good impression of our research field can be found in this review article (Nature Reviews Physics volume 1, pages 703–715 (2019)).

Our group also develops new equipment and measurement procedures. For example, we have designed and built a new cryostat that is now commercially available via ScientaOmicron. Present activities are geared towards shot-noise measurements (in collaboration with Milan Allan at Leiden) and automating tip preparation using machine learning approaches.

Interested in joining our group? Please contact me for more information.