Development P-Olympos

A four-storey, above-ground parking garage is built on the current car park of the Olympos Sports Centre. This created extra parking spaces in the Utrecht Science Park. The parking facility offers space for 320 cars. Initially, there will be 48 loading bays. Later this will most likely be expanded to 72 spaces.

The parking garage will be energy-producing. This means that the garage will generate more energy than it consumes. This is partly due to the use of LED lighting, an energy-efficient passenger lift and solar panels.

The parking garage is designed on the basis of one-way traffic for cars, walking zones for pedestrians and spacious transparent staircases. Slender columns and a ramp construction on the outside provide a spatial experience. The façade will be fitted with low-maintenance wooden slats in combination with a plinth of gabions with green plants.

Circularity & sustainability

The parking garage is built in a circular and modular way. This means that the building can be dismantled after its service life and rebuilt elsewhere. This will take 15 years. Research is being done to use demolition waste from other projects (Willem C. van Unnik building) for the gabions. There are also discussions with Biology (from the Beta Science department) about growing plants in these baskets. This is now being investigated.


In order to meet the parking needs in the Utrecht Science Park, it has been decided to expand the P-Olympos parking facility. The extension at the edge of the Utrecht Science Park fits in with the ambition to make the central area of the Science Park car-free with more space for cyclists and pedestrians.

More information

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