How was the plan developed?
The Strategic Plan for 2016 - 2020 set out how the University aimed to contribute to a better world. This plan came to an end in 2020. The Strategic Plan 2025 builds on this plan and brings together the University strategy and the accompanying faculty goals and focal points in a single document. This allows you to see at a glance how University and faculty strategy and goals fit together and what the areas of emphasis are at each faculty.
From six themes to five pillars
The dialogue was informed by six themes: fostering talent, academic community, university & society, global university, multidisciplinarity and digital university. Aspects such as diversity, sustainability and open science are interwoven with all these themes.

What happened when?
In October and November 2019 a trend analysis was carried out, and analyses and reports were drawn up, reporting on societal developments and the future of education.
The six themes were further explored by various specially created study groups of staff and students. The first contours of the new plan were presented in January 2020. These ambitions formed the basis for the five pillars that were put in the concept version of the new Strategic Plan.
Subsequently, a period of feedback and dialogue followed. In this phase the goals were discussed and refined in dialogue with students, staff and external stakeholders such as alumni and strategic partners. In this period the accompanying faculty goals and focal points were also set out. This phase was extended until and including September 2020 due to the developments around COVID-19, allowing time for reflection and delay. Of course, there was also a decision-making phase, including consultation with the University Council and the faculty councils.
The definitive plan was ready in December 2020. The execution of the plan has started in 2021.