Close-up #4

Close-up #4, the magazine full of inspiring columns, background stories and experiences of Utrecht University staff where public and science come together. Be inspired by the examples in this magazine, develop your own ideas and find suitable partners to realise them.

Open magazine (in PDF)


Public engagement challenges everyone to think about new roles. For instance, what is the role of researchers in public debate? How much room is there for activism? And how do impact developers and other new connection professionals bridge the gap between research and society?

Read the foreword by Femke den Boer

This edition has a festive touch, as we devote several articles to the renovated UMU (University Museum Utrecht), which is breaking new ground in its encounter with the public.

Column Maarten Post: Dierenliefde

I still experience daily that love for animals cuts across all levels of education and ages and thus offers wonderful opportunities to bridge the gap to a wide audience.

Read the column

Eighteenth-century MythBusters at UMU

What does an ancient collection of physics instruments have to do with public engagement? And how was it done in the past, involving the public with research? With Paul Lambers, curator at UMU (University Museum Utrecht), we step into a time machine, back to the year 1777.

Read the interview

We no longer want research to be something for a select few, there is now more focus on really doing it for everyone.

All Citizen(s): from palace to public engagement

Anyone walking across Domplein is probably not aware that metres below ground a medieval palace is hidden. Programme maker Erwin Maas of the Centre for Science and Culture tells how the story of this palace is to become the starting point of a brand new education project: All Citizen(s).

Read the article

Especially in getting to know the target audience lies a great challenge.


The terms on this card have to do with societal engagement or impact. When we talk to each other about our goals or strategies for societal engagement or impact, we often find that not everyone gives the same meaning to the words we use. This can lead to confusion and misunderstanding. By using this bingo, you make differences in meaning explicit. This way, you can create common ground in the conversation.

Download the bingo!

Doctor Atomic

In July 2023, Werkspoor Kathedraal in Utrecht was transformed into a theatre in which the Utrechtsch Studenten Concert performed the opera ‘Doctor Atomic’. This opera is about the development of the atomic bomb and takes the audience into the suspense of the last hours before the first atomic test.

Read the article

Impact as second nature

The Faculty of Humanities will focus on impact in the coming years. Three persons involved give their views.

Read the article