Resources on public engagement

Literature and background on public engagement en science communication.

Measuring impact

Strick, M., & Dekker, L (2024). Transforming stereotypes: How meeting male and female professors changes children's gender bias and ‘mad professor' perceptions. International Journal of Science Education.

Strick, M., & Helfferich, S. (2023). Active ingredients of science communication impact: A quantitative study at a science festival. Journal of Science Communication, 22(2), N01. The survey used in this research can be downloaded here.

The impactlab is a collaboration between Utrecht University, Leiden University and the Dutch Research Agenda. Impactlab does research on measuring the impact of science communication. It offers tutorials, tools and tips on how to do that. For now in Dutch, but an English version will be made available in due course.

Evaluation toolkit of Queen Mary University in Londen. Comprehensive and useful toolbox including many examples, methods and user manuals to make your own measuring plan.

Evidence-based science communication. Commentary by E. Jensen & A. Gerber in Frontiers, January 2020

Wissenschaft im Dialog (2020). Goals of science communication: An analysis of the strategic goals set by relevant actors within German institutional science communication. Executive Summary, September 2020. Available online.

How to evaluate public engagement projects and programmes [pdf]. A brief guidance by the British National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement, mentioning possible outcomes and ways of gathering evidence. 


Finding your audience

Public engagement: a practical guide. A five-step approach to public engagement by the NHS National Institute for Health Research and Sense about Science. This is a practical guide for researchers on involving the public in working out how to communicate findings - from the earliest stages of projects, and on the most challenging of subjects. Starting point is medical research, but the steps are applicable to any research subject.

Target audience: deepening your understanding [pdf]. Some useful tips on how to deepen your understanding of the audience you wish to engage with. By the British National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement.


Science communication

Jcom Journal of Science Communication. Volume 23, issue 02, 2024 Special issue: Connecting science communication research and practice: challenges and ways forward

The Scicommer. Scicom substack with useful literature tips, jobs and news from across the globe.

Nemo Kennislink [in Dutch], news from the world of science and the science behind the news, for a lay audience.

Gateways: International Journal of Community Research and Engagement

Research for all: an open-access journal focusing on research that involves universities and communities, services or industries working together.

Public Understanding of Science: a fully peer-reviewed international journal covering all aspects of the inter-relationships between science (including technology and medicine) and the public

Science communication - an introduction. World Scientific Series on Science Communication: Volume 1. Edited by Frans van Dam (Utrecht University, The Netherlands), Liesbeth de Bakker (Utrecht University, The Netherlands), Anne M Dijkstra (University of Twente, The Netherlands), and Eric A Jensen (Institute for Methods Innovation, UK)


Open Science and public engagement

Meaningful public engagement in the context of open science: reflections of early and mid-career academics. Position paper by the Utrecht University Open Science Public Engagement Fellows, 2022

OSCU, de Open Science Community Utrecht

Open Science & stakeholder engagement [pdf]: Why, how and which recommendations?


Inclusion, equity and diversity

Engaging the excluded: a perspective review on how to better reach and engage with exluded communities. Falling Walls.

EQUITY @ ECSITE Community of Practice on inclusion, equity and diversity in informal science learning, science centres and science communication.

Equity, exclusion and everyday science learning: e-zine edition. Emily Dawson, 2019. Ook in podcastvorm.

The art of relevance. Nina Simon, 2021. Explores how mission-driven organizations can matter more to more people.


Citizen science

Citizen Science Network of the Netherlands: monthly newsletter

Citizen Science. How awesome is that? article about a GitHub overview of all citizen science projects in the Netherlands

Iedereen wetenschapper [in Dutch]. Site by EOS on citizen science project in the Netherlands and Belgium.

Citizen science versterkt de wetenschap [in Dutch]. Interview with Ine Van Hoyweghen, Sociology professor of KU Leuven and head of the Life Sciences & Society Lab on the value of citizen science.

Kennis en krachten gebundeld - citizen science in Nederland [in Dutch] Science and Society in cocreation. Report from the working group Citizen Science of NPOS, 26 oktober  2020.


Policy and institutions

SciComNL. Dutch association of science communicators, for everyone with a story about science.

National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement. Centre for public engagement of the United Kingdom.

The engaged university: turning words into action. Report by the NCCPE examining the state of play in strategic support for public engagement, not just in the UK, but within an international context too.

Wissenschaft im Dialog. German association on science communication.