Renovation of Leuvenplein

Leuvenplein has been fully renovated. For example, the paving has been replaced. Additional bicycle parking facilities were added and the sewer has also been replaced. These measures will improve local quality of life and sustainability. After the renovation, the square will function optimally in all logistical aspects. It has also become a comfortable environment for users to enjoy.

What does the design look like?

Bicycle parking facilities
A bicycle parking facility, which is covered and partly secure, has been build adjacent to the Marinus Ruppert building. This bicycle facility can be used by employees of Utrecht University only. Moreover, new bicycle parking spaces are added on the square in the form of staple bike racks.

The outdated sewage system has been replaced. This process has taken place by means of an infiltration system that allows rainwater to drain into the ground first. Rainwater will therefore stay in the area for longer, which promotes an optimal water balance and facilitates the sustainable use of the rainwater. The traditional storm sewer will remain in place to accommodate water volumes from extremely heavy rainfall.

Greenery Large shrubs and new, mostly native trees has been planted on the square. The selected landscaping plan also includes a wealth of flowering plants. This will improve the biodiversity while also catering to bees and other insects. 

The new road surface consists of reused concrete granulate. As much of the old paving as possible has been transported to a processing facility, which will then render it fit for reuse.

Most of the parking spaces for cars at Leuvenplein are eliminated. This also applies to the current parking spaces for the Casa Confetti building. A total of 21 parking spaces have been reinstated for use by Utrecht University. This creates additional space for bicycle parking and landscaping.

Waste containers
Six underground waste containers has been installed near Casa Confetti (3 for residual waste, 1 for paper, 1 for glass and 1 for plastic). Four underground waste containers have been installed near the administration building (3 for residual waste and 1 for plastic).

More information, suggestions or ideas
Do you have any questions, suggestions or ideas? If so, please let us know via We will be happy to help.