Construction of thermal storage in central area USP

Thermal storage is a sustainable alternative for heating and cooling buildings. The technical heart of the thermal storage-Centre area was realised in 2020. As a result, the David de Wied building was the first building to be connected to the thermal storage system (ATES system). In combination with a heat pump, the ATES system is expected to realise 80-90% of the heat and cold supply. For peak demand, the hot water connection and heat pumps will remain available. 

The realisation of the technical heart is phase 1 of the WKO-Centre area. In this phase, two pairs of wells have been installed: two hot and two cold wells. These wells make use of a water layer between 60 and 125 metres under the ground. In order to connect this installation, pipes have been drilled under Leuvenlaan and run alongside the Marinus Ruppert building.  


Making energy use more sustainable is an important aspect of Utrecht University's sustainability ambition. This ambition is based on reducing energy consumption, making the transition to sustainable energy and achieving maximum efficiency from fossil fuels. To this end the university is constructing a thermal storage installation in the centre area of the Utrecht Science Park. With the construction of the installation in the central area, the university is taking a big step towards becoming a CO2-neutral university.  


In phase 2, the Marinus Ruppert Building, the Educatorium and the Nicolaas Bloembergen Building will be connected to the ATES ring. Preparations will also begin for the connection of the Willem C. van Unnik Building, the University Library and the Hugo R. Kruyt Building, which are due for redevelopment. 
2021 Preparations 
2022 Realisation