Young Scientist Award for Barbara Trzeciak at international Quark Matter conference

Selected from about 200 speakers

Barbara Trzeciak from the Intitute for Subatomic Physics received the Young Scientist Award for the best experimental talk at the major international conference in the field of heavy-ion physics, Quark Matter. She was selected from about 200 experimental speakers. Trzeciak talked about ‘Measurements of heavy-flavour correlations and jets with ALICE at the LHC’. The prize includes a cash award of €750.

Barbara Trzeciak receievs Young Scientist Award at Quark Matter
Barbara Trzeciak at Quark Matter

"I am very honoured to receive this Young Scientist Award”, Trzeciak says. “It is a result of more than two years of measurements and data analysis in the ALICE experiment conducted in the group of Andre Mischke and the coordination work in the ALICE Heavy-Flavour group. I would like to express my gratitude to these research groups for their continuous support and stimulating discussions.”

Quark Matter conference

The prize is awarded at the yearly Quark Matter conference to young scientists who are maximal six years after their PhD degree. Trzeciak obtained her Master’s and PhD degree at Warsaw University of Technology. After a postdoc position at the Czech Technical University in Prague, she took on a postdoc position in the group of André Mischke.