Too little time for painting

The Art Academy in Damascus taught him modern art, Amsterdam is his path to art conservation. Incluusion student Fahed Ibrahim exhibited his paintings at University College Utrecht last week. 

Two years ago, Fahed took Museum Studies and the module Chemistry and Art at UCU through UU’s Incluusion program. Three of his paintings were included in University College Utrecht's Lustrum UCU20 exhibition. 

At the moment, he is continuing his studies with University of Amsterdam’s fairly new Technical Art History Master program. This is his second and last year. Fahed’s dream is to dig deeper in the classical Western painting techniques, but also study further art theory. At the same time, he acknowledges that the jobs for his highly specialised profession are few, and he is ready to move wherever he can find work.

How does painting fit into Fahed's current life? ‘I have little time for it now,’ he says. ‘I am studying day and night for my Master, and at the same time learning Dutch. But I still try.’

Fahed Ibrahim