Three Utrecht geoscientists honoured at AGU 2019
The awards were announced a few months ago already, but finally three geoscientists from Utrecht University received their recognitions at the 2019 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union. This conference in San Francisco is the largest international Earth and space science meeting in the world.

Oceanographer Dr Erik van Sebille (IMAU) received the James B. Macelwane Medal “for his outstanding contributions to our understanding of ocean dynamics and the global transport of plankton and plastics using Lagrangian techniques”.
Geochemist professor emeritus Gert de Lange (Earth Sciences) was elected Fellow of the AGU “for his elegant contributions elucidating nonsteady state diagenetic processes that improve the interpretation of marine sedimentary records”.
Hydrogeologist professor emeritus Majid Hassanizadeh (Earth Sciences) received the Robert E. Horton Medal “for his seminal contributions in developing new theories for multiphase flow in porous media with ground-breaking scientific and practical impacts”.