The Test and Evaluation Service is closing

Educational Development & Training  is closing the Test and Evaluation Service (TES) at the latest on the 1st of August 2020. This means that TES will stop providing the support on their services as tests, admission tests, evaluations, questionnaires, surveys en matching after this date.

Why is TES closing?
The two main services of TES are the automated processing of paper tests, and the processing of paper and digital evaluations. Demand for these services continues to decrease. This is related to the increased use of digital testing, for which the UU uses Remindo. Additionally, the UU has also started using a new evaluation system for education: Evalytics.

Which services will remain?
The tools VIL, VIS & PDH will in the future be provided by Educational Consultancy & Professional Development directly.

More information and contact
Employees of UU can visit the intranet page for further details. If you have questions please send an email to

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