Summer school in mathematics education 2020

Online edition summerschool in mathematics education

At the end of August, the Freudenthal Institute usually organises a ten-day Summer School on Mathematics Education on campus. Due to corona-restrictions, this year's edition went online, as did many other events. This edition of the Summer School was much larger than normal, with 480 participants from almost 40 countries. The lectures and workshops, rebranded as webinars, were live streamed on YouTube from our institute’s offices and the TLL studio. These live streams can still be found through the conference website and YouTube channel.

The Summer School was well received with overwhelmingly positive comments and compliments from the participants. For example: “I appreciated the in-depth discussions of crucial topics from the aspect of didactics and of research that has been done or that is developing. The institution's expertise was shown in very inspiring ways.” Quite a few participants indicated that they would normally not have the means to take part in this type of event, and were happy we made it easily accessible and free.