Special issue Onderzoek van Onderwijs focused on adaptive expertise

In October 2023, the journal Onderzoek van Onderwijs (OvO)  published a special issue focusing on the theme of adaptive expertise. Adaptive expertise is about continuing to develop new knowledge and skills, in addition to purely professional knowledge, to be able to handle new, atypical situations effectively.

In this special issue, provided by Adapt at Work, a practice-based research project in higher education, the case owners and researchers share experiences and insights from the 11 case studies. Several working mechanisms for adaptive expertise development in work-related contexts are illustrated.

Case studies

To give a preliminary idea of what the various case studies focus on, a few are shortly featured below:

Are you interested in concrete results of these and the other case studies? Then please read on in the special issue of Onderzoek van Onderwijs.

Special issue Onderzoek van Onderwijs (Dutch)