Register now for the Teaching and Learning Inspiration Days

Keynote: from feedback receivers to feedback users by dr. Renske de Kleijn
We will kick off the programme with an interesting keynote by dr. Renske de Kleijn. She will present research on feedback in higher education. This research shows a trend from a focus on how to give feedback in the most effective way towards a focus on how to support and prepare students to proactively ask for and use feedback. She will also show you how to use this in your own teaching, so please join us for the keynote to get inspired!
Get inspired by a diverse development offer
From Virtual Reality to Community Engaged Learning (CEL) and from ChatGPT to podcasts in education; every teacher can get inspired during the Teaching and Learning Inspiration Days. Would you like to create more interaction during your lessons? Then please come and listen to which learning activities Serena Di Palma, winner of the Teacher Talent Award 2023, uses in her teaching to encourage interaction. Or are you curious about the role of a teacher in a Challenge Based Learning (CBL) course and how it is different from the traditional teacher role? Then please join us in listening to the experiences of a student and teacher who participated in a CBL course.
Would you like to attend an inspiring session during your lunch break? Then please join the Lunch & Play session on Virtual Reality, the Lunch & Talk session with visiting scholars Derek Gladwin and Naoko Ellis on transdisciplinary education, or the Lunch & Walk session for a walk through the Botanical Gardens.
Check out the programme and register now
This is just a selection of the programme, so be sure to check out the full offer and register now.