Reform Proposal SMART project

Willem Janssen contributes to the reform proposal report ‘Sustainability through Public Procurement: the way forward’ for EU Commission.

Public procurement is estimated to represent a value of 1300 billion euro per year. The transition to a more sustainable European Union can be greatly accelerated if such public expenditure is used to promote sustainable production and consumption. Practice and law can, however, further accommodate this in the future.

The recently published reform proposal ‘Sustainability through Public Procurement: the way forward’ provides recommendations to further foster this on-going transition. In addition, it formulated ‘best practices’ for the European Commission on the use of public procurement as a tool to achieve sustainability.

Mr. dr. Willem Janssen, Assistant Professor in European and Dutch Public Procurement Law and a researcher at the Public Procurement Research Centre and the Centre for Regulation and Enforcement (RENFORCE) at Utrecht University, contributed to the above report. It is written through an international collaboration between researchers, policy makers and public purchasers.

Read the report here.