Online study group offers much-needed structure

Student advisors from the Faculty of Science have noticed that many students have difficulty studying in times of corona. To help them, they started a new initiative: online study groups. Students have been positive: "Everyone has their camera and microphone on, so you have to get to work."

No motivation

Pharmacy student Kiran Gangaram-Panday struggled with the situation when strict corona measures were taken. She barely got out of bed in the morning and had little motivation to study. "Everything was uncertain. I had no idea if I would have exams at the end of the period and if I would be able to finish all of this year's courses," she says. "I was tired because of the lack of routine and very worried about corona and the whole situation. I needed change, because I couldn't go on like this much longer".

Although there's plenty to do, it turns out to be difficult to actually get started.

Wider problem

Kiran's story doesn't stand alone. Study advisor Yo-Yi Pat and her colleagues noticed that a large number of students find it difficult to bring up the discipline to study at home. "Although there's plenty to do, it turns out to be difficult to actually get started," Pat says. "The lack of social contacts and the tension over the coronavirus play a role."

Getting together every day

To help students like Kiran, Yo-Yi started an online study group. The new initiative consists of a group meeting twice a week. The first meeting is on Monday. Students discuss which goals they want to achieve that week and exchange tips. The second meeting is on Thursday. Then they see if everything worked out and whether there were any problems. In between, students plan sessions in which they study together.

Immediately, at the first appointment I noticed a difference. It had pulled me out of bed.

Kiran Gangaram-Panday, student

Routine found

The study group turned out to be a godsend for Kiran. It gets her up early and makes her prepare for lectures and do her assignments. It caused her to rediscover her routine: "Immediately, at the first appointment I noticed a difference. It had pulled me out of bed. It also helps me make a plan and because we study together, I stick to it. Everyone has their camera and microphone on, so you have to." 

Are you a Bachelor’s or Master’s student at the Faculty of Science and would you like to join the online study group? Contact Yo-Yi Pat: or visit your programme’s website and search for Study Group.