One hundred years since the thesis defense of Johannes Martin Bijvoet

Last week, on July 5, 2023 it was exactly 100 years ago that Johannes Martin Bijvoet obtained his doctor's title from the University of Amsterdam. The title of his thesis was "X-ray investigation of the crystal structure of lithium and lithium hydride". The thesis was published in large part also in Recueil des Travaux Chimiques des Pays-Bas, a monthly Dutch scientific journal for chemistry published from 1882 until 1996 and in that form even has a DOI: 10.1002/recl.19230421009. Hardcopies of both the original thesis, as well as the journal publication are available on request through the university library.
The full thesis is available to read online through Delpher.
A detailed biography of Johannes Martin Bijvoet was published in 1983 in the Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society and is available to read via JSTOR.