More than 80% of Utrecht University and UMC Utrecht articles open access available

Every year, the university library measures how many journal articles by researchers from Utrecht University and UMC Utrecht are open access available. Of the articles published in 2021, 80.7% is open access, a new record!

With its open access policy, Utrecht University strives for a publication climate in which academic authors publish fully open access (OA). For academic journal articles (peer reviewed), this is going better every year. Articles are published open access in a fully open access journal (Gold open access) or in a hybrid journal (Hybride open access). Where this is not possible, articles are shared via so-called repositories (Green open access).

Graph of the percentage of open access articles
Open access availability peer reviewed journal articles UU and UMCU, results of the annual OA monitor

At the moment, only the open access availability of journal articles is measured. The university library is investigating whether this is also possible for other types of publication, such as books and book chapters.

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