Memory Studies: Cultural Memory Studies after the Transnational Turn

In July 2018 a special edition of the journal Memory Studies has been published: Cultural Memory Studies after the Transnational Turn. The issue has been edited by Prof Astrid Erll (Goethe Universität Frankfurt) and Prof Ann Rigney (Comparative Literature). 

This special issue includes articles by Rosanne Kennedy (ANU), Aleida Assmann (Konstanz), Michael Rothberg (UCLA), Barbara Tornquist-Plewa (Lund) as well as by the editors. It was one of the outcomes of an NWO internationalization grant for setting up a network in transnational memory studies. 

ann rigney

Prof. dr. Ann Rigney
Prof. dr. Ann Rigney

Ann Rigney is connected to Institutions for Open Societies - an interdisciplinary research area of Utrecht University focused on the development and expansion of healthy open societies everywhere.