Inventory made of all manuscripts by Buchelius

Utrecht University Library has the largest collection of manuscripts by the Utrecht antiquarian and humanist Aernout van Buchell (Buchelius) (1565-1641). This collection is part of the Treasury of Special Collections.

Unique collection in  turbulent times

Almost all ca. 50 manuscripts have now been digitized, including his (travel) journals, poems, descriptions of artists and famous women, letters and collections of letters, lists of the books he owned, essays on history, heraldry, genealogical notes about Utrecht families and other families, reproductions of (cemetery) monuments and all kinds of notes and observations. It is a unique collection from the turbulent period of the Reformation and the Eighty-Years’ War.

Published in the Digitaal Repertorium

An inventory of the manuscripts housed in Utrecht University Library has now been published in the Digitaal Repertorium Utrechtse Bijzondere Collecties, containing links to the digitized versions and editions, including the recent edition by Kees Smit with all 414 letters from and to Buchelius which are known to us today. The inventory also includes manuscripts by Buchelius which are kept elsewhere, even abroad. The inventory is also available in English.

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