In Memoriam: Mr. jhr. Aarnout Loudon

Utrecht University was saddened to learn of the death of Mr. jhr. Aarnout Alexander Loudon. With his passing, Utrecht University has lost a highly valued member of its academic community, a committed alumnus and a loyal donor to the Utrecht University Fund. Whenever it suited him he was always present at our dies celebration and the opening of the academic year.

Mr. jhr. Loudon studied Dutch law at our university (1961) and was a member of the Utrechtsch Studenten Corps in his student days. He was, among other things, chairman of the board at AkzoNobel for 12 years, member of the Eerste Kamer for the VVD and chairman of the supervisory board of ABN AMRO.

He always remained actively involved with his alma mater and was often invited to University Days and other alumni meetings, both in Utrecht and abroad. In this light, his participation in the thematic lectures of our alumni network in The Hague, last year also in online form, deserves special mention.

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