Digital mathematics assessment with Numworx

Using Numworx in higher education

Digital examination has become increasingly popular at Utrecht University over the past few years; roughly half of all exams take place in Remindo, on secure Chromebooks.

Remindo does not support tests with a mathematical component. For this reason, Numworx, an application for digital mathematics assessment, which supports the use of formulas and graphs, is being introduced.

Numworx originates from DWO, a learning environment for mathematics in middle and higher education, and was created by employees of the Freudenthal Institute.


Numworx offers a web application,, for practice and formative assessment. There is a separate environment for summative testing, which can only be accessed from a secure Chromebook in a UU examination room.

Interested in using Numworx?

If you want to use Numworx in your teaching, please contact Teaching Support.