Call for proposals OnderwijsFestival: research your own teaching
On Thursday 7 March 2024, UU's premier education event will take place: the OnderwijsFestival. At this event, the whole UU community will get together in various sessions to exchange ideas and gain inspiration on the quality of and developments in education. At this festival, special attention will be paid to teachers and staff who are doing research on their own teaching (Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, SoTL) and want to share their (research-informed) plans, progress and results.
Teachers from all disciplines are invited to present their projects aimed at promoting student learning. This entails educational projects that are research-informed (i.e. by building upon educational literature) or have themselves researched education in a systematic and research-based manner.
Call for educational research projects
We invite teachers to submit an abstract on such projects and to share plans, progress or results. Teachers whose abstracts are selected, will be asked to present their project orally or through a poster during the OnderwijsFestival. There will be time for questions and discussion about the projects during the event. There are three possibilities:
- A research idea. This is a global idea for a research-informed educational project, but there are no concrete plans yet. The aim is to gain input to develop the idea into a project. Please still describe what data collection method you are thinking of and what results you hope to find.
- An intent for or just-started research-informed education project. The aim is to get input or sharpen the teaching improvement or research design.
- A completed research-informed education project. The aim is to share the teaching improvement, research methodology, results and recommendations for other teachers.
- Abstracts as submitted will be included in the abstract book. They are also published in the Teaching and Learning Collection. There is no possibility of modification once an abstract has been accepted.
The committee will assign the submissions into oral and poster presentations.
Assessment criteria
The abstract is assessed on the extent to which it:
- is aimed at improving teaching and student learning (in a specific or broad sense)
- is based on a systematic, empirical approach or theoretical-conceptual approach, i.e.:
- it builds on and uses existing knowledge, for example experiences or relevant literature and theory;
- it describes methods used for research on teaching and student learning or educational approaches (related to the field) in general;
- it provides a clear description of the results and the conclusions that can be drawn from the results;
- has a clear focus and structure.
For the research idea category, the idea should work towards a project that will meet the above requirements, but for which input still needs to be collected.
Submit your contribution for this call by Friday 1 February 2024. Submitters will hear by 16 February at the latest whether their abstract was selected, either as an oral or poster presentation.