Call for papers: Ius Commune workshop on Regulating Big Tech

Digitalisation and the response of law

Call for papers ©

On 26 November 2021, a workshop on 'Regulating Big Tech' is organised as part of the Ius Commune conference, co-coordinated by Anna Gebrandy, Sybe de Vries, and Pauline Phoa. It provides an exchange of state-of-the-art research, covering issues relating to or at the cross-roads of law and regulation, economics, behavioural science, and ethics. The organisation is currently looking for abstracts that will be presented in the workshop.

Regulating Big Tech

The impact of digital technologies on our economic and social structures is hard to over-state. An unprecedented amount of data is collected, while the digital platforms and ecosystems have become indispensable for citizens and market-participants. Increasingly, we also see significant influence exercised through these technologies on our political processes. These developments present regulatory challenges: is the current legal framework suitable to regulate these digital technologies and the behaviour of tech-companies, or should something be changed?

The organisation welcome paper proposals, including from non-legal disciplines and early-stage research, as long as the focus is of interest to researchers engaged with the regulation of Big Tech. Interested researchers should submit an abstract (max. 400 words) to Muriel Motaleb. The deadline for abstracts is Wednesday 15 September 2021. Anyone interested in acting as a referee is also invited to contact the organisation, indicating their area of expertise.