Best Student Paper Award for novel process mining technique

The work from Jelmer J. Koorn, PhD candidate with prof. Hajo A. Reijers, and his coauthors was awarded with the best student paper award at the 18th International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM). The awarded paper proposes a novel process mining technique that allows to automatically identify so-called action-response-effect patterns. The detection of these patterns allows professionals to understand how to best react to certain actions in order to obtain a desirable effect. The practical relevance of the technique was demonstrated using a case study in a healthcare setting. Koorn and his co-authors we able to identify how to best react to aggressive behavior of patients in care facilities. In this way, they helped to develop a strategy to reduce the number of aggressive incidents in the future. The BPM conference is one of the most prestigious forum for researchers and practitioners in the field of Business Process Management, for more information visit the conference website.

Best Student Paper Award - 18th International Conference on Business Process Management