Assistant professor Tatiana Bruni presents her papers at international conferences

Drs. Tatiana Bruni has presented three papers at two different international conference in the past few weeks. In this short article we give an overview of her recent work.

On September 9th she has presented a paper about her PhD research at Durham University (UK) at the international annual conference of the International Association of Language and Intercultural Communication (IALIC) in Lisbon, Portugal. The topic of the conference was “Diversity and epistemological plurality: Thinking interculturality ‘otherwise’. The title of her paper is “ Developing capabilities for engaged citizenship. Partnering with students as curricular consultants to create a laboratory of democratic practices”.

On October 1st she presented two papers at the online international conference of the International Association of Intercultural Education (IAIE). The topic of the conference was “Intercultural Education on the Move: Facing Old and New Challenges”.

The first paper, co-authored, reports on a small virtual exchange with a primary school and an university in Japan she participated in with some University College Utrecht students, around the theme of ‘peace’. The title of the paper is: “Peace project and intercultural exchange among Japanese primary school and universities in Japan and the Netherlands”, together with Rie Adachi of Sugiyama Jogakuen University (Japan) and Yuki Kitano of Moriguchi City Nishiki elementary school (Japan).

The second paper, which she presented alone, is a report of a community engaged learning project she did in 2020-2021 in her course Intercultural Communication, in collaboration with students with a refugee background through the Incluusion project.

They worked at addressing and finding solutions to the challenges that international students face when entering academia in a country different from where they grew up and/or had their secondary education. The title of the paper is: “Refugee students as active contributors in an Intercultural Communication course at a Dutch undergraduate Liberal Arts & Science college”.

For more information please contact Drs. Tatiana Bruni.